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iEducate. iEmpower. iEmote.

The first app dedicated to improving emotional awareness in individuals with alexithymia and beyond.

Uh · lek · suh · thai · mee · uh

Our app aims to help individuals struggling with emotional disorders like alexithymia better understand and identify emotions while simultaneously providing educational outlets for those interested in learning more about emotional awareness and early intervention options.

Our Mission

Our app aims to help individuals struggling with emotional disorders like alexithymia better understand and identify emotions while simultaneously providing educational outlets for those interested in learning more about emotional awareness and early intervention options.


“Most days, I have nothing but emptiness; if I'm lucky, I'll have short bursts of shallow emotions. I also struggle with identifying and describing emotions.”


The social challenges impact me the most, as it becomes difficult to communicate and interact with people that aren't familiar with alexithymia and aren't willing to learn.


“Not understanding other people's feelings is the biggest challenge. It's hard to understand others to support them emotionally and be understood by others.”

Unique Value Proposition

Get in Touch

Contact the founding team:


Ria Sudhir

Talinn Hatti

Sabrina Soh

Christine Zhao

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